About Us

Our Trails

This page is brought to you by Bridlington Street Trails. We hold 3 trails a year, one in the Spring for Easter, one in the Summer called The Seacrow trail and the Christmas Trail in the Winter. We try and hold a 4th trail during the year to celebrate anything special. This year, in 2022, we marked Her Late Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee by holding a special trail in June.

When people take part in the trails we ask that their displays can be seen from the footpath. We don’t want members of the public trampling over peoples gardens. Front gardens, front doors, shop windows, downstairs windows and even upstairs windows have been used to show case their displays. We encourage not only the residents of Bridlington to take part but also businesses from shops, cafes, B&Bs, Hotels, libraries, Residential homes, Schools and workplaces. Everyone is welcome to take part.

We have held the following trails in the past:

Easter Trail

In our Easter trail we asked everyone to make an Easter egg or anything connected to Easter. We gave everyone a letter of the alphabet to add to their displays. A list of Easter jokes was put on our Facebook page and when you had found all the sets of letters, you unscrambled them to find out the answer to the joke.

Seacrow Trail

Our Seacrow Trail was a take on a Scarecrow Festival. As we live beside the seaside we used the word Seacrow. We asked everyone to make a seaside scarecrow using the theme Beside the seaside. We had some fantastic entries and a wide variety of Seacrows.

Christmas Trail

Our Christmas trail has a theme. We have asked people to ‘recycle, reuse and reduce’ when they make items for the trail. We used the theme of Christmas music last year, and before that we asked people to make something Christmassy by recycling and re using items.

Background information

We are a small, community group led by local volunteers. We evolved from the Bridlington community during the pandemic in September 2020. We have three Committee Members and 650+ members.

The benefits to Bridlington and its townspeople

Prior to the development of Bridlington Street Trails, street trails have been successfully completed in Hull and other parts of the country. We adopted the idea in Bridlington, during the pandemic, as a way of promoting and fostering community spirit and cohesion. We have found that local people have really enjoyed making decorations, displaying them in their front gardens, windows or doorways. The three trails that we have done gave local people a sense of purpose during challenging times and brought people together. We believe that local people could further benefit from planned street trails to help a sense of belonging and improving relationships and helping local business.

Through small donations and the goodwill of volunteers, we have successfully completed trails across Bridlington. We had 82 entrants for Christmas Trail, 51 for the Easter Trail and 109 for the Seacrow Trail. We estimate that over 200 people completed each of these trails. Local people, businesses, Care Homes, a Brownie group all made decorations for the Trails adopting the 3Rs of recycling (reduce, reuse, recycle).

The trails vary in length around Bridlington and will require participants to register if they are taking part and we will provide a digital map to guide people around each trail.